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Pieces of Parchments
Thursday, 20 October 2016
As of late I have found myself taking more time with my friends and enjoying their company. In doing so I have learned to relax allowing me to pick up a few of my older habits. One particular friend has even found a way to help me let down my guard.

I have had a chance to reconnect with a dear friend. One that I have always cared for and enjoyed talking too him. The time talking and reminiscing as well as catching up has given me much to look forward to and even more joy in just the simple things.

A comment was made that I needed fixed. That being Prim and proper was not the "Kass" he knew. Not his "Kass". And as I start to let me walls slowly fall and allow myself to return to how I once was more and more of those close to me are seeing and saying the same. They all want the "old Kassa" back. Did I really change that much? Did I honestly loose who I was to the point that it was so noticeable to those around me?

» Akassa posted @ 12:39 - Link - comments
Sunday, 02 October 2016
As the cycles pass I have realized perhaps I am not as important to some as I thought I was or as they are to me. I spent much time walking the beach on Euthican. Letting the waves help me focus and think. I can't deny that I am drawn to the water i could feel the waves lap at my feet for marcs on end.

Does he still care? The doubt has surfaced and has caused me great turmoil. Turmoil enough to doubt my very thoughts and actions. I have yet again had my heart broken, drained of what was left of it. Fear of failing again. Am I worthy of what was once given? Am I worthy of the friends and family i have? Does he even know what he has done to me or care? All these are questions that have been running though my head. I do know I am once again guarded those walls from the past stacked higher then I am tall.

One thing I know for sure I need to find me. I need to get back to who I am and what I stand for. Pour myself back into the young and give my heart to helping others as I once did. Give myself a chance to see my worth again and what I once so enjoyed. I shall make it my purpose once again.

As for my dilemma I think it is best to move on and see where life takes me. Surely I am not all that bad. No Matter what it is time to take my life into my hands and live it.

» Akassa posted @ 12:17 - Link - comments
About me
A red soften leather book tied shut with a piece of spider silk. The golden edged pages peek out from the cover. One the cover is fancy gold lettering reads A Piece of Me. Below that is a golden ring with streaks of white around it.
Zodiac Sign: Cleric
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